jQuery(document).ready(function($) { cart_improvement_functions(); cart_dropdown_improvement(); track_ajax_add_to_cart(); if(jQuery.fn.avia_sc_slider) { jQuery(".shop_slider_yes ul").avia_sc_slider({appendControlls:false, group:true, slide:'.product', arrowControll: true, autorotationInterval:'parent'}); } //make woocommerce 3.6 gallery search icon clickable and open lightbox jQuery( 'body.single-product' ).on( 'click', '.single-product-main-image .avia-wc-30-product-gallery-lightbox', function( e ){ e.preventDefault(); var clicked = $(this), container = clicked.parents('.single-product-main-image'); var img = container.find('.flex-active-slide a.lightbox-added').eq(0); //if no gallery is used we need to find the original image size differently if(img.length == 0) { img = container.find('a.lightbox-added').eq(0); } img.trigger('click'); }); product_add_to_cart_click(); function avia_apply_quant_btn() { jQuery( ".quantity input[type=number]" ).each( function() { var number = $(this), current_val = number.val(), cloned = number.clone( true ); // WC 4.0 renders '' for grouped products if( ( 'undefined' == typeof( current_val ) ) || ( '' == ( current_val + '' ).trim() ) ) { var placeholder = cloned.attr( 'placeholder' ); placeholder = ( ( 'undefined' == typeof( placeholder ) ) || ( '' == ( placeholder + '' ).trim() ) ) ? 1 : placeholder; cloned.attr( 'value', placeholder ); } var max = parseFloat( number.attr( 'max' ) ), min = parseFloat( number.attr( 'min' ) ), step = parseInt( number.attr( 'step' ), 10 ), newNum = jQuery( jQuery( '
' ).append( cloned ).html().replace( 'number','text' ) ).insertAfter( number ); number.remove(); setTimeout(function(){ if( newNum.next( '.plus' ).length === 0 ) { var minus = jQuery( '' ).insertBefore( newNum ), plus = jQuery( '' ).insertAfter( newNum ); minus.on( 'click', function() { var the_val = parseInt( newNum.val(), 10 ); if( isNaN( the_val ) ) { the_val = 0; } the_val -= step; the_val = the_val < 0 ? 0 : the_val; the_val = the_val < min ? min : the_val; newNum.val(the_val).trigger( "change" ); }); plus.on( 'click', function() { var the_val = parseInt( newNum.val(), 10 ); if( isNaN( the_val ) ) { the_val = 0; } the_val += step; the_val = the_val > max ? max : the_val; newNum.val(the_val).trigger( "change" ); }); } },10); }); } avia_apply_quant_btn(); //if the cart gets updated via ajax (woocommerce 2.6 and higher) we need to re apply the +/- buttons $( document ).on( 'updated_cart_totals', avia_apply_quant_btn ); setTimeout(first_load_amount, 10); $('body').on( 'added_to_cart', update_cart_dropdown ); $('body').on( 'wc_fragments_refreshed', avia_cart_dropdown_changed ); // small fix for the hover menu for woocommerce sort buttons since it does no seem to work on mobile devices. // even if no event is actually bound the css dropdown works. if the binding is removed dropdown does no longer work. jQuery('.avia_mobile .sort-param').on('touchstart', function(){}); }); /** * The ajax cart dropdown counter needs to be changed on cart page when user removes items or changes amount - * we have to check for changed amount of products in cart dropdown to update the cart counter * (reacts on remove items and changes to quantity) */ function avia_cart_dropdown_changed() { var the_html = jQuery('html'), cart = jQuery('body').is('.woocommerce-cart'), cart_counter = jQuery('.cart_dropdown .av-cart-counter'), menu_cart = jQuery('.cart_dropdown'), counter = 0, wc30 = jQuery( 'body' ).hasClass( 'avia-woocommerce-30' ); if( ! cart ) { return; } if( ! wc30 ) { menu_cart.find('.cart_list li .quantity').each(function(){ counter += parseInt( jQuery(this).text(), 10 ); }); } else { counter = parseInt( cart_counter.text(), 10 ); } if( counter == 0 ) { cart_counter.removeClass('av-active-counter').text(counter); setTimeout( function() { the_html.removeClass('html_visible_cart'); }, 200); } else if( ( cart_counter.length > 0 ) && ( counter > 0 ) ) { setTimeout(function(){ cart_counter.addClass('av-active-counter').text(counter); the_html.addClass('html_visible_cart'); }, 10); } return; } //updates the shopping cart in the sidebar, hooks into the added_to_cart event which is triggered by woocommerce function update_cart_dropdown(event) { var the_html = jQuery('html'), menu_cart = jQuery('.cart_dropdown'), cart_counter = jQuery('.cart_dropdown .av-cart-counter'), empty = menu_cart.find('.empty'), msg_success = menu_cart.data('success'), product = jQuery.extend({name:"Product", price:"", image:""}, avia_clicked_product), counter = 0, wc30 = jQuery( 'body' ).hasClass( 'avia-woocommerce-30' ); // removed by theme option ? if( cart_counter.length == 0 ) { return; } // trigger changed in WC 3.0.0 - must check for event explecit if( ( empty.length > 0 ) && ( 'undefined' != typeof event ) ) { the_html.addClass( 'html_visible_cart' ); } if( typeof event !== 'undefined' ) { var header = jQuery('.html_header_sticky #header_main .cart_dropdown_first, .html_header_sidebar #header_main .cart_dropdown_first'), oldTemplates = jQuery('.added_to_cart_notification').trigger('avia_hide'), template = jQuery("