(function($) { "use strict"; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tab Section // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $.fn.avia_sc_tab_section = function() { var win = $(window), browserPrefix = $.avia_utilities.supports('transition'), cssActive = this.browserPrefix !== false ? true : false, isMobile = $.avia_utilities.isMobile, transform3d = document.documentElement.className.indexOf('avia_transform3d') !== -1 ? true : false, transition = {}; return this.each(function() { var container = $(this), tabs = container.find('.av-section-tab-title'), tab_outer = container.find('.av-tab-section-outer-container'), tab_wrap = container.find('.av-tab-section-tab-title-container'), tab_nav = container.find('.av_tab_navigation'), arrows_wrap = container.find('.av-tabsection-arrow'), arrows = arrows_wrap.find('.av-tab-section-slide'), content_wrap = container.find('.av-tab-section-inner-container'), single_tabs = container.find('.av-animation-delay-container'), //for elements inside the tab that receive waypoint animation inner_content = container.find('.av-layout-tab-inner'), sliding_active = container.is('.av-tab-slide-transition'), flexible = container.is('.av-tab-content-auto'), current_content = container.find('.__av_init_open'), min_width = 0, change_tab = function(e, prevent_hash) { e.preventDefault(); var current_tab = $(e.currentTarget), current_arrow = current_tab.find('.av-tab-arrow-container span'), tab_nr = current_tab.data('av-tab-section-title'); // reset global scope !! current_content = container.find('[data-av-tab-section-content="'+tab_nr+'"]'); var new_bg = current_content.data('av-tab-bg-color'), new_font = current_content.data('av-tab-color'), prev_container = container.find('.av-active-tab-content').not('[data-av-tab-section-content="'+tab_nr+'"]'); tabs.attr('style','').removeClass('av-active-tab-title'); current_tab.removeClass('no-scroll'); current_tab.addClass('av-active-tab-title'); current_content.addClass("av-active-tab-content"); if( new_bg !== "" ) { current_arrow.css('background-color', new_bg); } if( new_font !== "" ) { current_tab.css('color', new_font); } var new_pos = ( ( parseInt( tab_nr, 10 ) - 1 ) * -100 ); if( $('body').hasClass('rtl') ) { new_pos = ( ( parseInt( tab_nr,10 ) - 1 ) * 100 ); } if( cssActive ) { //move the slides new_pos = new_pos / tabs.length; transition['transform'] = transform3d ? "translate3d(" + new_pos + "%, 0, 0)" : "translate(" + new_pos + "%,0)"; //3d or 2d transform? transition['left'] = "0%"; content_wrap.css(transition); } else { content_wrap.css('left', new_pos + "%"); } set_tab_title_pos(); set_slide_height(); if( ! prevent_hash ) { location.hash = current_tab.attr('href'); } setTimeout( function() { current_content.trigger('avia_start_animation_if_current_slide_is_active'); // fixes bug that animations do not work due to fn.avia_waypoints() if( ! isMobile ) { single_tabs.not(current_content).trigger('avia_remove_animation'); } }, 600); }, set_min_width = function() { min_width = 0; tabs.each( function() { min_width += $(this).outerWidth(); }); tab_wrap.css( 'min-width', min_width ); }, set_slide_height = function() { if(current_content.length && flexible) { var old_height = inner_content.height(); inner_content.height('auto'); var height = current_content.find('.av-layout-tab-inner').height(), add_height = tab_wrap.height(); tab_outer.css('max-height', height + add_height + 100); inner_content.height(old_height); inner_content.height(height); inner_content.css( 'overflow', 'hidden' ); setTimeout(function() { win.trigger('av-height-change'); }, 600); } }, set_tab_title_pos = function() { // scroll the tabs if there is not enough room to display them all - rtl allign right to left !! var current_tab = container.find('.av-active-tab-title'), viewport = container.width(), left_pos = ( current_tab.position().left * - 1 ) - ( current_tab.outerWidth() / 2 ) + ( viewport / 2 ); if( ! $('body').hasClass('rtl') ) { if( viewport >= min_width ) { left_pos = 0; } if( left_pos + min_width < viewport ) { left_pos = ( min_width - viewport ) * -1; } if( left_pos > 0 ) { left_pos = 0; } tab_wrap.css( 'left', left_pos ); var show_prev = left_pos !== 0; var show_next = left_pos + min_width > viewport; set_arrows_visibility( show_prev, show_next ); } else { var right_pos = 0; if( viewport < min_width ) { if( left_pos + min_width > viewport ) { if( left_pos > 0 ) { left_pos = 0; } right_pos = ( left_pos + min_width - viewport ) * -1; } } tab_wrap.css( 'left', 'auto' ); tab_wrap.css( 'right', right_pos ); var show_prev = right_pos + min_width > viewport; var show_next = right_pos !== 0; set_arrows_visibility( show_prev, show_next ); } }, set_arrows_visibility = function( show_prev, show_next ) { if( show_prev ) { arrows_wrap.addClass( 'av-visible-prev' ); } else { arrows_wrap.removeClass( 'av-visible-prev' ); } if( show_next ) { arrows_wrap.addClass( 'av-visible-next' ); } else { arrows_wrap.removeClass( 'av-visible-next' ); } }, swipe_to_next_prev = function(e) { if( ! isMobile ) { return; } switch_to_next_prev( e ); }, switch_to_next_prev = function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var clicked = $( e.currentTarget ), current_tab = container.find('.av-active-tab-title'); if( clicked.is('.av_prev_tab_section') ) { if( ! $('body').hasClass('rtl') ) { current_tab.prev('.av-section-tab-title').trigger('click'); } else { current_tab.next('.av-section-tab-title').trigger('click'); } } else { if( ! $('body').hasClass('rtl') ) { current_tab.next('.av-section-tab-title').trigger('click'); } else { current_tab.prev('.av-section-tab-title').trigger('click'); } } }, get_init_open = function() { if( ! hash && window.location.hash ) var hash = window.location.hash; var open = tabs.filter('[href="'+hash+'"]'); if(open.length) { if(!open.is('.active_tab')) open.trigger('click'); } else { //set correct color container.find('.av-active-tab-title').trigger('click', true); } }; $.avia_utilities.preload({ container: current_content, single_callback: function() { tabs.on( 'click', change_tab ); tab_nav.on( 'click', swipe_to_next_prev ); arrows.on( 'click', switch_to_next_prev ); win.on( 'debouncedresize', set_tab_title_pos ); /** * We had to remove av-height-change because this event is recursivly triggered in set_slide_height and lead to performance problems * AND broken layout - content was not displayed completly * * Content elements that can can change their height and trigger av-height-change should trigger this additional event after to * allow layout elements like tab section to react on this and then call av-height-change by themself * * @since 4.2.3 */ win.on('debouncedresize av-content-el-height-changed', set_slide_height); set_min_width(); set_slide_height(); get_init_open(); } }); content_wrap.avia_swipe_trigger( {prev:'.av_prev_tab_section', next:'.av_next_tab_section'} ); }); }; }(jQuery));